Why Be CAMTS Global Accredited?
CAMTS Global is an organization dedicated to improving the quality of patient care and safety of fixed wing, rotorwing, ground and medical escort services by providing comprehensive standards and an auditing process to determine substantial compliance with the accreditation standards.
CAMTS Global evolved from the European HEMS and Air Ambulance Committee (EHAC) and the Commission on Accreditation of Medical Transport Systems (CAMTS) - a non-profit organization incorporated in 1990 that was the first to recognize the need for stringent, monitored safety and training standards.
Each CAMTS Global board member is currently or recently involved in air and/or ground transport as a manager, patient care provider, and aviation professionals.
There are currently 8 site surveyors from Europe that were selected for their experience and interview skills and have a minimum of 10 years’ experience in the medical transport field.
Benefits of Accreditation
There are both internal and external benefits of accreditation. A CAMTS Global accredited medical transport service demonstrates to its employees and to the public that it cares about the quality of patient care and safety and is committed to doing things right. The comprehensive audit provided by CAMTS Global to determine compliance with the accreditation standards provides a medical transport service with the ability to identify opportunities to streamline costs and enhance effectiveness. Ultimately there is a positive impact on the service’s bottom line in terms of future earnings and preventive strategies that far outweigh the actual costs of accreditation.
External Benefits
• Improved patient care
• Enhanced safety
• Meeting government requirements
• Fewer licensing issues
• Controlled costs of liability insurance
• Competitive edge
• Marketing tool
• Better billing compliance
• Stronger defense in litigation
Internal Benefits
• Ability to recruit more qualified employees
• Best Practice patient care and safety
• Common sense of pride
• Comprehensive audit
• Education opportunities
• Focus on prevention rather than reaction
• Manage risk and liability
• Higher morale